- B.A., M.S., Ph.D. Biology, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo.
Research Interests
- My interests are in the evolution of molecular systems in biology—from the evolution of developmental mechanisms to the evolution of wound healing mechanisms.
Teaching Activities
- Bio 100—Introduction to Biological Sciences
- Bio 109 (109L)—General Biology I
- Bio 200—Science & Contemporary Social Issues
- Bio 307 (307L)—Evolutionary Biology
- Bio 333 (333L)—Developmental Biology
- Bio 440 (440L)—Molecular Biology
- NSC 231—Natural Science: Literacy in Science
Personal Interests:
- Hiking
- Camping
- Butterfly catching
- Gardening
- Cooking
- Politics
Dr. Attard is an atmospheric scientist whose research focuses on the weather and climate interface. Dr. Attard looks at how these two different scales of motion interact to impact the weather conditions and the predictability of those conditions. Previous research projects have focused on lake-effect snow storms, the jet stream, and the dynamic interaction between the troposphere and the stratosphere.
- B.S. in Medicinal Chemistry
- M.A. in Chemistry from UB
- Ph.D.; Graduate Program in Ecology & Evolution; Rutgers University
- B.S.; Biology; S.U.N.Y. Geneseo
Research Interests:
- Function of feeding structures
- Reptile feeding behavior
- Predator ecology
- Paleoecological reconstruction
- Biomechanical imaging and modeling
Personal Interests:
- Brazilian jiu jitsu
- Movies
- Drawing and painting
- Cooking
- Traveling
- Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo;
- M.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo;
- B.S., College of Engineering and College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University​
Research Interests
- Wound healing
- Pressure ulcers
- Temporomandibular joint disorders
- Mechanical and microstructural properties of tissue
My biological research focuses on the ecophysiology of aquatic organisms (how organisms function in the environments that they live in); my educational research focuses on improving learning outcomes in student-centered undergraduate courses (how to make college biology teaching more effective). Before coming to Å·ÃÀAV I worked at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and the Ezemvelo Nature Reserve in Gauteng, South Africa.
Student Research Projects
- Permeability of shark egg cases to petroleum toxins
- Comparative efficacy of aquatic anesthetics in seahorse species
- Optimization of aquaponic farming systems
- Impacts of environmental stress on fish development and growth
- Habitat choices of invasive fish species
Dr. Good's CV
Pronouns: she/her
- M.S., University at Buffalo/ Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
- B.S., Mercyhurst University
- The effects of dance and fitness intervention on the outcome of the pediatric balance scale (PBS) in school aged children.
- Postdoctoral research: University of Vermont; Ph.D.,
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; B.S., Syracuse University
- Ph.D., Ecology, 2012; Penn State University, State College, PA
- M.S., Zoology, 2006; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; B.S.
- Biology, 2003; Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA
Dr. Law is an Associate Professor of Biology that joined Å·ÃÀAV in 2013. He has worked on a vast array of research projects throughout his career including monitoring biogeochemical cycling as part of a global warming study, monitoring small mammal populations at a Superfund site, tracking invertebrate recovery following hurricane disturbance, comparing ecosystem functioning in natural and created wetlands, monitoring dispersal distances of introduced trout, finding cost-effective and efficient locations for ecological preserves, and managing agricultural systems in order to enhance native granivorous invertebrate populations. Although the focus of these research experiences are varied, with study organisms ranging from plants to trout, his background centers on the common theme of monitoring and minimizing anthropogenic disturbances to the environment.
Dr. Law’s current research focuses on understanding the factors affecting weed seed predation in agricultural fields. Gaining a better understanding of invertebrate seed predation will allow for the enhancement of the granivorous invertebrate community in a way that assists in effectively controlling weeds, with a focus on soil and water conservation.
In addition to his research, Dr. Law is passionate about teaching. As a M.S. student at Texas Tech University and a Ph.D. student at Penn State University, he completed multiple courses on college-level instruction. While a Ph.D. student, he served as an NSF GK-12 Fellow gaining experience in curriculum development and student assessment. He further honed his teaching skills as a Visiting Assistant Professor at North Central College (Naperville, Illinois) before coming to Å·ÃÀAV.
Research Interests:
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Disturbance Ecology
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Seed Ecology
Personal Interests:
- Kayaking
- Hiking
- Photography
- Camping
- Running
- B.S. Chemistry with a Biochemistry concentration, St. John Fisher College
- Ph.D. Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Liddell has been at Å·ÃÀAV College as the Instrument Coordinator since 2015. She provides training to students and faculty on instrumentation used for research and coursework. She has taught several lab courses including those for general chemistry, general physics, and bioorganic chemistry. Dr. Liddell’s research interests involve surface chemistry on oxide surfaces for use in biosensing applications. Personal interests include gardening, cycling, food preservation/canning, and photography.
- Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- B.S./M.S. Medicinal Chemistry, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
My research focuses on the design of xerogel thin films and their use as anti-fouling, fouling-release, or antibacterial platforms to be employed in marine and medical fields. Prior to teaching at Å·ÃÀAV, I worked in research labs at SUNY at Buffalo and Duke University Marine Laboratory.
Student Research Projects
- Bacterial Resistant Xerogel Coatings for Urinary Tract Infection Prevention
- M.A., State University of New York at Buffalo
- B.S., John Carroll University
Lab Website:
- Ph.D. Theoretical Chemistry - Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020
- B.Sc. Chemistry - Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, 2015
- B.Sc. Mathematics - Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, 2015
Dr. Sirianni is a quantum biochemist, whose interests lie at the intersection of chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and biology. Research in the Sirianni Lab focuses on understanding the role of non-covalent interactions in the extended protein and solvent environment on how enzymes catalyze chemical reactions in cells.
Instructed Courses:
- CHE 147/247/347/447 - Computational Chemistry
- CHE 303/L - Biophysical Chemistry
- CHE 110 - Chemistry
- CHE 111 - Chemistry II
- B.S. Å·ÃÀAV; Natural Sciences with Specialization in Chemistry
- Ph.D. University at Buffalo; Physical Chemistry
- A.A.S. Criminal Justice, Erie Community College North
- B.S. Forensic Chemistry, State University College at Buffalo
- B.A. Chemistry (Minor: Safety) State University College at Buffalo
- M.S. Chemistry, Clarkson University
Derrick Swartz has been the Chemistry Lab Coordinator at Å·ÃÀAV College since 2002. Mr. Swartz has a Master’s degree in Chemistry with an emphasis in Biochemistry from Clarkson University, dual Bachelor’s degrees from the State University College at Buffalo in Chemistry and Forensic Science, and an Associate’s degree from Erie Community College in Criminal Justice. Mr. Swartz’s research focuses on understanding how structure relates to function in proteins and he is dedicated to designing research projects that challenge students to use a large array of lab techniques learned in a variety of courses.
Mr. Swartz teaches a variety of lab courses at Å·ÃÀAV College which include preparation for chemistry lab (CHE 102L), General Chemistry labs (CHE 101L, CHE 110L, and CHE 111L), Environmental Chemistry lab (ENS 304L), Bioorganic Chemistry lab (BCH 317L), and Advanced Forensic (CHE 337L). Mr. Swartz also teaches Chemistry 110 in J-term, Introduction to Forensic Science (FOR 101), and Advanced Forensic Chemistry (CHE337). Recently, Mr. Swartz has worked with Title-III with a hands-on-minds-on approach to teaching chemistry during the J-term. On a personal note, Mr. Swartz enjoys gardening, the outdoors, and is an avid automotive enthusiast.
Research Interests
- My research focuses on understanding how structure relates to function in proteins
- DNA and protein-based Forensic Science projects
- Research projects that challenge students to use a large array of lab techniques learned in a variety of courses.
Personal Interests
- Modified cars
- Fishing
- Gardening
- Coaching students in chemistry
- Research
- Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
- B.A., Chemistry, Hiram College
Postdoctoral Research
- Furman University, Greenville, SC: Henry and Camille Dreyfus Scholar/Fellow for Undergraduate Institutions.
- Inorganic/Bioinorganic Chemistry
Research Interests
- Transition metal complexes in biological systems
- Chemotherapy
- Diabetes
- Septic/Toxic Shock (Sepsis)
- Computer simulation and modeling
Organizations and Affiliations
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Personal Interests
- Music
- Theater
- Baseball
- Darts
- Bowling
- Racquetball
- Chemical research
- 2016 Fordham University, PhD
- 2008 Eastern Michigan University, MS
- 2004 University of California, Riverside, BS
Dr. Whorley is an Assistant Professor of Biology that joined Å·ÃÀAV College in 2016. Her research focuses on the role that freshwater algae play as the base of many aquatic food webs. The nutrient (stoichiometry) and essential fatty acid content of benthic algae make them a superior food source for stream consumers compared to terrestrial detritus. Anthropogenic disturbances have strong effects on algal production and stoichiometry, with profound effects on subsequent trophic levels, typically stemming from nutrient enrichment of the water. Monitoring algal biochemical properties will provide biologically relevant feedback as to the efficacy of management tools and practices. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies examining long-term seasonal effects of disturbance. Local streams and lakes within the human-dominated landscape of the Buffalo region will be targeted for these investigations. This work contributes to the protection of the Lake Erie and Ontario watersheds and is carried out by a number of students in this lab.
Student Research Projects
- Salinity Effects on Macroinvertebrates within Erie County, Western New York
- Effects of Boat Traffic on Water Chemistry of Lake Erie
- Water Chemistry, Algal Enzyme Activity and Fatty Acid Concentration as Indicators of Water
- Quality of Erie County Streams
- Ph.D., Biology, University of South Carolina
- M.S., Biology, University of Central Florida
- B.A., Zoology, Miami University
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Design, Boston Architectural College
Postdoctoral Research
- Plymouth Marine Lab, Plymouth, England
- Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota
- Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin
Research Interests
- Behavioral and evolutionary ecology
- Plant/ insect interactions (herbivory, pollination)
- Reproduction and population biology of marine and freshwater invertebrates
- Ecological design, sustainability and green building
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Science
- Service Learning in the Environment
- Global Water Issues
- Costa Rican Natural History
- Food and Agriculture Issues
- Green Buildings
- Alternative and Renewable Energy Issues
- Sustainable Design Seminars
Community Involvement
- Representative, Erie County Environmental Management Council
- Volunteer Preserve Manager, Allenberg Bog
- Trustee, Western New York Sustainable Energy Association
- Board of Trustees, Å·ÃÀAV College