Commuter Resources
Commuting to campus? Use the following resources to help navigate the resources we offer here at Å·ÃÀAV!
Off-campus housing
Å·ÃÀAV wants to make sure you have a safe and successful search for off-campus housing.
- Get house hunting tips
- What to know
Commuting to campus
Whether you live 3 or 30 miles from campus, Å·ÃÀAV wants to make it easy for you to get to class on time.
- Use free Å·ÃÀAV shuttles or
- We offer Reduced Cost NFTA Bus Passes for students
- See parking permit options and costs
On-campus services
Take advantage of the useful services on campus designed to help commuter students.​
- Relax or find a study spot in or in the Research and Information Commons (RIC)
- Treat yourself to lunch or a snack at located next to the RIC
- Find other
Building connections on campus
- Make friends and have fun by joining a student organization
- Find Å·ÃÀAVlife on , , and to be in the know of what's going on around campus
- Download the Å·ÃÀAV Connect app to see everything happening on campus
- Find a part-time job on campus to earn money and make friends
- Look for the Wildcat Weekly to learn about all types of events and involvement opportunities